Shared Value Products enabling Social Innovation.
Farm Fresh Boxes
Working as a subscription model, members weekly receive a curated selection the freshest, most seasonal fruits and vegetables.
We supply commercial farmers and wholesalers with fruit trees. We also stock a variety of indigenous trees. We also offer Farm-in-Box Starters kits to our Emerging Farmers. Vegetable and other seedlings will also be made on order.
Carbon fertilizer Technologies
We provide farmers with a sustainable economical approach (maximum profit over long term) which is practical to manage. We do this by combining a standard programs with biological inputs and principles
Solar Drying Technology
We convert food losses into value with our smart Solar Drying Technologies innovation platform.
Our technology reduces moisture content to prevent carbon emissions and; preserve produce more than 6x months without using any chemicals and preservatives.
Miscanthus growing Media
Our Processing Technology innovation platform process (extruded, disc-refined and hammer milled) miscanthus biomass in different ways to create unique fibrous materials.
Miscanthus is suitable as a substitute for peat in potting soil in short term crop production. Hybrid soil substrate work well for long term production.
Biochar soil Nutrients
Our Kiln Technology innovation platform produce Biochar through pyrolysis of residual biomass.
Biochar is an attractive option for sequestering CO₂ since it significantly impacts the natural carbon cycle by sequestering carbon and enhancing soil carbon storage.